Contact us for detail spesifications
lly Certified Non-GMO
e) free from pesticides/insecticide residue, except to the extent permissible under the PFA Rules and shall not contain uric acid exceeding 100 mg/kg and mycotoxin including afflatoxin exceeding 30 micrograms per kilogram.
d) completely free from admixture of any poisonous, toxic, harmful or non-edible seeds like neem, argemone, khesari, castor, mahua, etc;
c) free from mould, musty odour or added colouring matter;
b) of uniform size , shape and colour characteristic of the variety;
a) the mature, dried, clean and wholesome seeds of the plant Glycine max (L) Merrill;
Soybean shall be;
Product Grade 1 soybean General Characteristics:
** Available as Non-GMO or Organica
* Applications: Used by manufacturers for cooking oil, frying, baked goods, among others.
SHELF LIFE: Minimum of one year at room temperature and dim light.
PRODUCT: Refined, Bleached & Deodorized, Naturally Expelled Non-GMO Soybean Oil, Certified
** Available as Non-GMO or Organically Certified Non-GMO
* Applications: Used by manufacturers for cooking oil, frying, baked goods, among others.
SHELF LIFE: Minimum of three years at room temperature and dim light.
PRODUCT: Degummed, Naturally Expelled Non-GMO Soybean Oil, Certified
** Available as Non-GMO or Organically Certified Non-GMO
* Applications: Used by manufacturers for cooking oil, baked goods, among others. Not for frying.
SHELF LIFE: Minimum of three years at room temperature and dim light.
PRODUCT: Crude, Naturally Expelled Non-GMO Soybean Oil, Certified
DESCRIPTION: All Gem Holdings Company Limited Soybean Oils are naturally expelled soybean oils, which have been expelled without
Brand Name: | GEM 1 |
Place of Origin: | Cameroon |
Processing Type: | Crude |
Category: | Fruit Oil |
Type: | Soybean Oil |