A glass bottle of the classical form 0,25 litres to 1,0 litres, and a shtof 0,31 litres, 0,5 litres.
Hereit is presented glass bottles for alcoholic beverage factory (forvodka) and glass bottles for canneries (for juice and ketchup). Glassbottles for vodka are presented by various kinds and also
guala and ashtof. The assortment of glass bottles for vodka is presented by volumefrom 250 ml (0,25 litres) to 1000 ml (1 litre). The assortment of glassbottles for ketchup is presented by volume
from 250 ml (0,25 litres)and 310 ml (0,31 litres). Glass bottles for juice are presented byvolume 1000 ml (1 litre).
All glass bottles are made of colourless glass.
A glass bottle of the classical form 0,25 litres to 1,0 litres, and a shtof 0,31 litres, 0,5 litres.