> > Oleic acid-rich safflower oil
Oleic acid-rich safflower oil
Product Group: Fats and oils rich in oleic acid
Safflower oil (Distel oil) is obtained from ripe seeds taken from the Carthamus tinctorius L. (Asteraceae). Cold-pressed oil is produced by pressing or extraction followed by refining, which
results in refined safflower oil. The safflower plant, sometimes incorrectly referred to as "saffron", has been cultivated and highly valued since ancient times in the Near and Middle East. Long
ago, the red pigment was used as a fabric dye. In 1887, the researcher Georg Schweinfurth identified it as a substance used in the Egyptian mummification process and showed how important the plant
was by indicating that only the Pharaoh had the right to cultivate safflowers. Safflowers were once used in dyeing mainly in the Alsace region until their position was challenged by the discovery
of aniline dyes. The safflower, a herbaceous plant, tolerates dry and saline conditions and puts down roots to a depth of roughly 9 feet, prefers temperatures of 75-90
safflower oil