Southern States Sil-Spread is a 100% silicone surfactant which the "Cadillac" of all surfactants. This product makes water "wetter" which means the product will penetrate the leaf of the weeds
quickly. This will help to get the Roundup into the plant faster and work better. Sil-Spread wil reduce the rain-fastness to one hour which means that the Roundup will still work even after a rain
shower one after the application. With non-ionic surfactants, the probability of the Roundup being washed-off is greater. When spot spraying with Sil-Spread added to the spray, you can still see
where you have sprayed after 1 or 2 hours because of the wetting effects. The price per gallon is high, but you only need to use 6 ounces per 100 gallons of water. So on a per acre cost, it can be
as cheap as other surfactants.
Mix Quest (ammonium sulfate) 2 pints/acre with Clearout (glyphosate) 2 quarts/acre and additional surfactant 2 pints/acre for a faster more effective kill of all weeds. For bermudagrass or bahia
grass, raise Clearout rate to 5 quarts/acre.