Processing of screw neck bottles The manufacturing process for these types of containers is carried out by a line that typically has the following elements: washing machines, drying and sterilising
tunnel or blow out machine, fill and seal machine as well as traying machinery. The containers are checked, labelled and end-packaged on subsequent machines. The Bosch individually configurable
range of machinery includes plants for maximum production capacities of up to 18,000 containers per hour. The most important processing steps: Cleaning: reliable internal and external cleaning with
the washing machines RRU, RRN, RQU DZ or RQN DZ. Sterilisation: drying and sterilising tunnel HQL for sterilisation by the laminar flow principle. At the outfeed end the containers are transferred
in batches on to the infeed belt of the subsequent machine.Filling and pressing in stoppers: Filling and pressing in droppers with filling and sealing machines MRF, MLF or FLP. On the MRF and MLF
machine caps can also be placed in position and oversealed or other different combinations of stoppers can be applied: pipettes, droppers, screw caps, pilfer-proof stoppers, etc.Oversealing:
placing caps in position and low-particle oversealing with overseal capping machines VRU or VRK. Furthermore, other sealing systems can be processed such as pipettes, droppers, screw caps,
pilfer-proof stoppers, etc.Traying off: automatic traying machine GLTSubsequent processing steps:Check for particle freedom and cosmetic defects Check containers for impermeability with the
inspection machine KLD Application of a self-adhesive label with the labeling machine ERS End packaging of containers into folding cartons cartoning machines toploading systems