From the physical point of view, have an appropriate degree of cling film oxygen permeability and permeability humidity, regulating the storage of goods around the oxygen content and water
content, blocking dust in the air, food and prolong the preservation period. Therefore, the different choice of different food preservation film is necessary. Now on the market cling film can be
divided into two categories are ordinary cling film, applied to the refrigerator preservation; a class of film preservation is a microwave oven, refrigerator can be used fresh, can also be used
for microwave ovens. After the film preservation in a heat-resistant, non-toxic, and so far superior to ordinary cling film. Therefore, the use of consumer choice to pay particular attention,
made use of.
Moreover, the use of microwave ovens cling film also should be noted: 1. Heating oil more food, film and food preservation should maintain separation, not to make direct contact with them.
Because the food is heated, the Food and oil could reach a high temperature, damage occurred to cling film, stick in the food. 2. Heating food should be properly covered with cling film
containers, such as needle re-use toothpicks in the preservation of the membranea few small holes in order to facilitate the evaporation of water, gas expansionprevent the bursting of film
3. Brand preservation of the film marked by the highest temperature of the heat-resistant is not the same, some difference of around 10 , the microwave oven at high temperature will reach 110
general about long-heating, may attention to the selection of heat-resistant A higher cling film.
1) Perfect oxygen and steam barrier 2) High shield off light transmission 3) Aging resistant
4) Suitable for refreshment,