etc. Probable supplier must send us pictures, for our evaluation & market feed back.
Besides PET - films, we buy PET DUST, 80 metric tons; PET / PP ,PET / CARD BOARD
400 tons / month - at least 3 months / year.
valued by us. ON - GOING monthly off - take is 200 metric tons, & can jump seasonally to
Quality, consistancy of supplies, trade ethics,transparency in dealings,are very much
clear & metallized, in widths 20 inches to 90 inches; thickness 10 microns to 120 microns.
Wanted on on - going basis, round the year, PET FILM ROLLS,
Wanted clear PET film rolls, size 20 inches width to 90 inches width; thickness 10 microns to 120 microns;
Wanted clear PET film rolls, size 20 inches width to 90 inches width; thickness 10 microns to 120 microns; |