Construction : polyester film is adhered seamless in high temperature with coated high tensile spring steel wire reinforced. Material : 1. Polyester film - Thickness : 0.019mm2. High tensile spring
steel wire coated with anti-corrosion agent Thickness:polyester fabric cloth(0.25mm)+nonflammable(Bothside -> 0.45mm) Steel wire Thickness : 0.95mm~1.2mm Adhension : self hardening - Urethane
adhensive Pitch : 40mm Features lightweight,hight flexibility,easy to cut and connect with close id tolerance,Dampens mechanical long service life good air flowksaves Drafting time,airtight close
id tolerance,Dampens mechanical vibration,Retractable Uses Air conditioning, ventilation, Gas hood,Subway, semi-conductor Factory laboratory, building(office, hospital, indoor, a swimming pool)
Broadcasting, power house, electron factory
polyester film is adhered seamless in high temperature