AgHT line of transparent, highly conductive coated films specifically for use in EMI/RFI shielding and infra red reflection applications. AgHT's unique combination of high visible light
transmission, nearly neutral colour and low electrical resistance makes it ideal as an EMI shield for electronic displays and membrane switches. AgHT film products are outstanding in their ability
to transmit visible light while reflecting infra red heat (see graph). Products which make use of these optical characteristics include projector lamp shields, theatrical lighting filters and
windows.Standard products are AgHT-4 and AgHT-8, the number designation indicating the surface resistance in ohms per square. Both are available on rolls of optical grade polyester film. AgHT8 is
now available with a non glare finish on the non-conductive side of the film. This makes it ideal for EMC shielding of TFT screens.The conductive film can be fitted directly onto the flat screen
and the non-glare finish cuts down surface reflections. This solution offers EMC shielding and enhanced visibility in bright conditions.The conductive film can be fitted to any TFT monitor as a
cost effective EMC shielding up grade to your "off the shelf" TFT screen.Please contact our technical sales manager for more information, samples and quotations.Properties of Standard AgHT Products
AgHT-4 AgHT-8 Visible Light Transmission Min. 75% Min. 82% Infra Red reflection (2.5 - 25 microns) Min. 80% Min. 75% Surface resistance (Ohms/square) 4.5
Conductive Silver Coated Films AgHT