We are pleased to introduce ourselves as an indenting agents for plastic packaging products; BOPP film, polyester film, polycarbonate film, holographic film, bopet film and catering to various
applicant industries, in India. We are glad to offer, Italy origin, BOPP film for flexible packaging industries, manufactured by leading European corporate, has production capacity of 1lac MT on
serval lines, fully equipped with metallization facility, able to produce up to 10 meter in width in running leanth. We offer best solution to the need of market in the field of flexible packaging;
suitable for food packaging, flowers, decorative, labels and adhesive tapes. Industries. Available in various microns and width, in clear, transparent, white, matt, one side coated, sealable,
metallized, cavitated, anti fog films required by applicant industries. We request you, kindly send us your detailed enquiry alongwith technical specification, if any to enable us to cater your
requirements, properly. Upon receipt, we will offer the suitable film for your application and other details, for evaluation. We await for your enquiry,
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as an indenting agents for plastic packaging products; BOPP fi