This is new top quality Pliant (US) non-degradeable mulch film. Rolls are 4' wide X 4000' long x 1 mil thickness, and weigh about 82 lbs each (can ship via UPS).
Conserves Water
Controls Weeds
Increase Crop Yeild
Warms Soil (Earlier Planting)
Aids Disease Control
Increase Fruit Quality
Helps With Soil Tilth
Embossed Mulch will hug the soil better than smooth mulch film preventing the flapping problem while also increasing strength of the plastic. We offer a wide range of sizes and styles of plastic
mulch. We also carry the machines to lay plastic.
For more info see Irrigation-Mart
Plastic Mulch 4' X 4000' Black Embossed 1 mil
Plastic Mulch Film 4' Black 4000' 1 mil Row Cover