Typical property Values -
- These are typical properties and are not intended for specification purposes. If minimum certifiable properties are required, please
contact your local SABIC Innovative Plastics representative or the SABIC Innovative Plastics Quality Services Department.
Reported Values are Based on 0.010 (0.250 mm) Thickness unless otherwise noted.
? Wisk is a registered trademark of Lever Brothers Company
# Formula 409 is a registered trademark of Clorox Company
* Trademark of SABIC Innovative Plastics IP BV
Lexan HPXXS graphic films are high-performance coated films offering very good chemical and abrasion resistance together with unique
processing characteristics. These highly durable, easily printed films create new opportunities in graphic design with a unique package of
benefits: Flexible UV processing, Multiple topside selective texturing, Color topside texturing, Durability of coating and texture adhesion
when exposed to strong household chemicals such as Wisk? or Formula 409#.
Lexan* HPXXS Film Product Datasheet
Lexan *
Tensile Strength
@ Yield
Tear Strength
Vicat Softening Temperature, B
Heat Deflection Temp. by TMA at 1.8 Mpa
Shrinkage at 302
polycarbonate film