Welcometo Rina Sunflower Oil, the discerning cooks choice. Rina Sunflower Oilis manufactured using the most ultra-modern refining technologyavailable, resulting in fully winterized and de-waxed
cooking oil.
Proud to be the first 100% Sunflower Oil manufactured in Kenya, Rina is also the most demanded Sunflower Oil is East Africa.
Itis cholesterol free and has mono-unsaturated fats, which are good forthe heart. It also satisfies the ever-growing regional demand forsophisticated, versatile and competitively priced quality
cooking oils.
Rina Sunflower Oil is ideal for shallow and deep-frying and asthe oil base for salad dressings, mayonnaise and sauces. Liquid at alltemperatures, It is available in new vibrant packaging and an
EZ - pourpack, to suit the needs of both domestic & commercial users..
tis cholesterol free and has mono-unsaturated fats, which are good forthe heart.