- Safepack VCI antistatic film is unique proprietary product evolve by safepack for Electric & Electronic product packing industry.
- It is powered with high penetrating VCI formulations. This high power VCImolecules can reach to protect the metal surface exposed within highly rust prone areas also it is provided with
high-tech antistatic properties.
- Safepack VCI formulations are designed to offer both contact as well as Vapour phase protection.
- This thin, translucent & easy to wrap film has a very versatile application. Iteffectively dual protects electronic parts from rust/ corrosion & static charges.
- It is manufactured by extrusion process using high performance resin & high tech additives, thus making it superior to conventional films.
- The uniform gauge across the width ensures durability of the film.
- Weldable, good printing performance.
- User-friendly, use directly after opening packing.
Environmental Aspects
Manufactured under strict ISO 9000-2000 norms, SP-MSW is completely free from
nitrite. It does not contain substances which are considered as dangerous to the health,
neither in the production phase of the film, nor in the use of the end product (Certified
for compliance with RoHS). It can be recycled both as material and as energy..
Thickness (nominal) : 75-150 Microns/ Custom
Film Width : 75-2000mm/ Custom
Forms available : Plane 2Dpouches/ Gusseted 3D bags/ Tubing / Sheet
Physical Properties : Typically for 50 Micron film.
Property Standard Unit Value
Dart Impact Strength ASTM D 1709 gf 450
Tensile strength(MD/CD) ASTM D 882 Kg/sq.cms 253/253
Elongation(MD/CD) ASTM D 882 % 270/370
Surface resistivity MIL PRF 81705 D ?/square 1010
Corrosion performance MIL-2073ID -- Passes Contact corrosivity test & Vapour Inhibiting ability test.
Environmental Aspects
Manufactured under strict ISO 9000-2000 norms, SP-MSW is completely free from
nitrite. It does not contain substances which are considered as dangerous to the health,
neither in the production phase of the film, nor in the use of the end product (Certified
for compliance with RoHS). It can be recycled both as material and as energy..