Usage: Raw soybean oil has been used for salads and toppings and various kinds of dressings.
Effects: Every day use of it helps in prevention and curing of many illnesses. It supplies organism with essential fat acids and vitamins soluble in fats.
Characteristics: It is produced without chemical additives, of soybeans, which is not genetically modified. It enables good dispersion of particles and control of crystallization.
Chemical Composition:water and evaporable materials-0, 08%, total tochopherols and tokotrienols (mg/kg) 1326 phosphor /phosphatides 0, 017%; fat acids:C 12:0 ND, C 14:0 ND, C 16: 0 12, 82%, C 18:0 3,08%, C 18: 1 25, 89%, C18:2 51, 47%, C 18: 3 6, 69%, C 20: 0 ND. Metabolic energy 30, 438 KY/100 g.
Raw soybean oil has been manufactured by hydrothermal treatment after pressing stage of soybean toasted, without separation of lecithin. Soybean oil has a very good nutritious value due to high content of lynol acid, lecithin,fitosterol, tocoferol with anti oxidative activity, vitamins soluble in water, likewise. Due to high content of lecithin, raw soybean oil protects cardio vascular system and strongly influences on reproduction of brain cells. Makes easier hardships in menopause, it helps in prevention and curing of osteopathy (osteoporosis) and many otherpatophysiological states.
Raw Soybean Oil
Raw soybean oil has been manufactured by hydrothermal treatment