J-157 series of the Department of solvent evaporation is dry, dry film has excellent adhesion, anti-scratch resistance, stamping, bending-resistant performance of a single liquid-based inks also have excellent performance of alcohol resistant
Performance Features:
J-157 series is for the special requirements of high flexibility, resistance Deep Drawing, excessive bending, super-adhesive printing hardware and soft or thin film of polyolefin material made open product is single-drying liquid film evaporation, light type , excellent anti-scratch resistant inks.
Ink Features:
Standing Orders for the treatment and type of substrate, such as untreated polypropylene PP sheet, PP synthetic paper, OPP film, etc. can also be used to have to deal with the polyethylene-type substrate, the substrate such as polyester.
Applicable Range:
This kind of ink are in good quantity
This kind of ink are in good quantity |