Standard Colors
3DSQ-1000 White
3DSQ-2002 Yellow G/S
3DSQ-2042 Yellow R/S
3DSQ-3002 Red Y/S
3DSQ-3007 Red B/S
3DSQ-4001 Magenta
3DSQ-4002 Violet
3DSQ-4003 Cerise
3DSQ-5001 Blue G/S
3DSQ-5003 Blue R/S
3DSQ-6002 Green
3DSQ-8000 Black
G/S indicates Green Shade
R/S indicates Red Shade
Caution: Always test this product for curing, adhesion, crocking, opacity, washability and other specific requirements before using in production.
Storage: Store plastisols at room temperature. Prolonged exposure to high temperature can make the ink start to gel.
Washability: Excellent. Do not dry clean. Do not iron printed areas.
Wash-Up: Clean the screens and squeegees with mineral spirits or any screen wash designed for plastisol inks.
Curing Instructions: These inks will fully cure and withstand repeated washings when the entire ink deposit reaches 320
Print on t-shirts or fleece goods of any color