Various Different Bases, Extenders, Reducers & Curable Reducers are available in each of the Auxisol Series mentioned above. AUXI HSB : This is used as base to print on High Stretch fabrics like
Lycra etc. AUXI CLEAR : This is a transparent base used to get real tone of colour on Dark ground fabrics. AUXI JEL : This is very Clear and Transparent Gel used to Highlight a dark printed ground
or is also used to get a Jelly like Print for the same. AUXI GL Base : This base can be used to Add Glitter flakes and then print. AUXI REDUCE 1098 : This is a reducer which is used to reduce the
viscosity while printing at time if the design or printer needs so. AUXI REDUCE 1099 : This is used to add to Plastisol pastes when it is being printed on High Stret ch fabrics so as to get highest
strechability and no cracking in Prints. AUXI LB 1155 : This is used as additive in Plastisol Pastes when the fabric shows tendency of Hallowing or Ghost images particularly in pcxpx fabrics. AUXI
GLOW 1158 : This are added in dosages of 0.3 to 0.8 % to impove Gloss of the prints.