Standard Colors
MIXO-1000 Super White
MIXO-2002 Yellow G/S
MIXO-2042 Yellow R/S
MIXO-3002 Red Y/S
MIXO-3007 Red B/S
MIXO-4001 Magenta
MIXO-4002 Violet
MIXO-4003 Cerise
MIXO-5001 Blue G/S
MIXO-5003 Blue R/S
MIXO-6002 Green
MIXO-8000 Black
MIXO-F211 Neon Orbit Yellow
MIXO-F212 Neon Golden Yellow
MIXO-F214 Neon Flame Orange
MIXO-F312 Neon Aurora Pink
MIXO-F411 Neon Magenta
MIXO-F511 Neon Solar Blue
MIXO-F611 Neon Traffic Green
G/S indicates Green Shade
R/S indicates Red Shade
Y/S indicates Yellow Shade
B/S indicates Blue Shade
MIXO-9070 Soft-Hand Base
MIXO-9090 Extender Base
Related Products: Soft-Hand Base. Extender Base
Caution: Always test this product for curing, adhesion, crocking, opacity, washability
and other specific requirements prior to using in production.
Curing Instructions: These inks will fully cure when the entire ink layer reaches
versatile, high-opacity ink for color matching or all-around printing