Surface Printing BOPP HR InksSURFACE INKSGRAV. REVERSE PRINTING HIGH BOND POLYESTER / BOPP LAMINATION INKS Features : Excellent Printability High Bond Strength Very Low Solvent Retention Low Odour
Confirms to Global Standards and specifications Suitable for Printing on any kind of packaging including Food packaging. Common for various films. Suitable for any press speed i.e. Low, Medium and
High ranging from 50 meters to 300 meters per minute. High Productivity. Substrates: Can be printed on all type of Polyester, BOPP, Cellophane, PVC Printability: Excellent printability in Half tone
and good coverage in Full Tone.Free from any printing defects such as streaking and scumming etc. Due to high colour strength and low viscosity High bond produces a very bright print at low dry
film weight Ink Preparation: Ink Medium and Dilute need to be mixed close to 40: 20 : 10 ratio. Reducer solvent to be used: Blend of Toluene and Ethyl Acetate. Retarder Solvent to be used for slow
drying if required MIBK Diluents Mixture of MEK 40% and Isopropanol 20% Colour Range : Full range of pantone basic shades including Metallic and ARSR and Light Fast shades. Solvent Retention: High
bond has shown extremely low solvent retention confirming to international standards including Food packagingThe information in this data sheet has been carefully compiled from our experience
gained and detailed laboratory testing. However the product performance and its suitability for the customers purpose depend on the particular condition of use and the material printed. We
recommend that the customers satisfy themselves that each product meets their requirements in all respects before commencing a print run.