Description: Auxisol SI Special Effect Inks has range of 12 colours which are formulated as ready printing ink for direct printing on 100% cotton and polyester/cotton white fabrics. The Auxisol SI
series is designed to get maximum printing speed and without ink-buildup on the back side of the screen when printed wet-on wet. Apply a first down, opaque white underlay when printing on dark 100%
cotton and a low bleed white underlay when printing on dark polyester/cotton fabrics. Special notes: Auxisol SI are thermoplastic, requiring heat for fusion. Test print an area of the fabric for
crock fastness. If the color rubs off on a white cloth, adjust oven temperatures and / or give required time until the cloth wipes clean. Stir Auxisol SI before printing. Do not dry clean and
Auxisol SI Inks