Also known as the Virgin Coconut Oil, this product is made from coconut which has been processed through a biotechnical technique without using any heat or chemical process. The oil is produce
through an enzyme reaction where this component has a good nutritional contents for our body. One of the benefits is to strengthen the antibody capability against diseases. There are several
component in a form like antivirus, bacteria, fungus and also parasites in the oil which is useful and so strong to fight against illnesses.
Natural Coconut Oil contains medium chain fatty acidstryglycerides, MCTs, which are essential to human health of all ages. A few components like lauric acid C-12, caprylic acid C-10, myristic
acid C-14 and capric acid. Of all these, lauric acid comprises about 40%. Lauric acid in the body is converted to monolaurin for immunity similar to the benefits of mother's milk.
Main characteristic of Natural Coconut Oil:
MaintenanceAdd energy, vitality and increasing metabolism for better health and performance.
ProtectionImproves immune system to protect us against diseases and;
HealingRemoving ill health symptoms associated with many common degenerative diseases like, hypertension, arthritis, eczema or skin eruptions, heart disease, etc.
Also known as the Virgin Coconut Oil, this product is made from coconut which has been processed