Digital Inkjet Direct To Garment Printing Service from Debaya.
We accept custom-printed jobs using our revolutionary world-classprinting technology. It delivers millions of delivers millions ofcolors and the sharpest details while retaining the ultra-softness
ofnatural cotton. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Print up to 16 million colors
Your life is so colorful so why restrict yourself to just one color?Maybe you are used to hearing you can only do it in one color. And foreach additional color, you have to pay even more. Welcome
to our newworld where you can have all the colors. Yes, millions of colors, everyimaginable color. And the best thing yet? At no extra charge.
Sharpness and Gradient
Traditional methods such as silkscreen printing prints at a resolutionof 200 dpi,we print at 1440 dpi. Thats 7X more details. We are talkingphoto quality here. Gradients look seamlessly smooth.
Smoke looks likereal smoke. Fine lines? Well, lets say we can even capture a strand ofhair. Basically, we produce the sharpest-looking t-shirts.
Soft Feel
Sometimes, do you feel like you are wearing a piece of plastic on yourt-shirt? With our printing service and your t-shirts can only feel theultra-softness and comfort of pure cotton. Thats because
each singledroplet of ink goes directly into the cotton fibres, creating the mostlasting print and the most comfortable t-shirt that you have everexperienced.
T-shirt Quality
We provide our quality t-shirts from many sources in Thailand. One ofthe biggest source is from Thailand garment wholesale market. We alsocan custom-made the t-shirts as require. The basic t-shirt
is 100%cotton, thread no. 20 and no. 32.
- Up to 30 cm x 50 cm
- 200 dpi in actual size
- RGB mode
- tif, ai, jpg, png or psd file format