Flatbed Screen Printing:
Flatbed Screen Printing is available for signs, political posters, banners etc.
Ad Specialties:
Ad Specialties are one of the best and most economical ways to promote your company and services with your company logo and name along with any info you wish that has been proven to be an extremely
effective tool for advancing your name and business! Examples shown above include pens, refrigerator magnets, cups and/or mugs, notepads, key rings and many other objects that will help promote
your business and services.
Hot Stamp Printing:
Hot Stamping is a heat transfer process alternately known by other names such as foil stamping, hot foil stamping, gold stamping, gold blocking, foiling, and gold leaf stamping. This process is
achieved when a metal die is heated to a specific temperature (depending on the style and/or color of the transfer foil) with a pressure-controlled, air operated imprinting press that transfers the
desired markings onto a wide variety of Banners, Beauty Sashes, Award Ribbons, and Rosettes.
Offset Printing:
Letterpress printing is the oldest of the major printing processes and is not used very often anymore. This process uses plates which were first made of wood and later they were made of metal. The
print image on the plate is raised and when inked, the plate is placed in contact with a platen that holds the paper and the image is transferred.
Flexography is most commonly seen in the packaging industry as it provides the flexibility to print on a wide variety of surfaces. The process is very similar though to Letterpress except for the
fact that the plate used is made of a flexible material such as rubber or plastic.
Gravure is used for a variety of purposes such as magazines, catalogs, packaging, tablecloths, wallpaper, etc. This process is sort of the opposite of the relief processes described above in that
the print image is recessed through an engraving/etching process and uses a metal cylinder as the image carrier.
Offset Printing: