Our dipping oil is produced after great study of 20 years. We are one of the biggest basic manufacturer of easters of oleic acid. We incorporate preservatives (M Parabin / P Parabin) in required
quantity. Oil present in fruit is having tendency to oxidize, hence we are incorporating food grade Antioxidant in our formulation. To get proper mixing, food grade emulsifier in proper
concentration is added to this formulation.
Dipsol Technology for drying red chilies is a new technology has been developed. Sun drying chilies is important phenomena. During ealy drying period of Dec-Feb, it takes more than 20-25 days for
proper drying. Druing this long period chilies get spoiled due to fungal and bacterial infestation. This is time when market prices are higher. It is most important to reduce moisture in shortest
possible time.
To convert fresh fruits into dry fruit is technology by it self. When perishable commodity is converted into non perishable form, it provides better opportunity for grower, as it can be stored for
longer period and grower can wait for better opportunity. This technique is used in many fruits such as Grapes are converted into dry raisins. Figs are dried and sols. This is achieved by reduction
of maximum moisture from fruit in minimum possible time. More than 80% moisture is present in fresh fruits is mainly responsible for bacterial and fungal growth on fruits. They decay the cell wall
and rooting takes place and ultimately, fruits get spoiled.
Dipping oil of good quality should have following features:
Figs are dried and sols. This is achieved by reduction of maximum moisture from fruit in minimum possible time.