Standing For Judgment [CD]$5.00
There exists a day equivalent to fifty thousand years and the people don't want to give it a minute. So emphatically and graphically depicted throughout the Qur'an and Sunnah, it is the Last Day,
the Day of Judgment, the Day of Standing, the Day of Regret, the Day of Retribution. Belief in it is one of our pillars of faith. Preparing for it is the ultimate priority. Negligence of it is a
widespread catastrophe. In this lecture, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi establishes the logical and textual evidences that mandate the belief in the Day of Judgment. Then, he illustrates for us this day, its
greatness, and the various conditions of the people in it. May Allaah make this lecture a reason for the brightness of his face and ours on that day. Aameen. [AUDIO CD]