Health & Family Welfare : RCH, Family Welfare, Adolescents health, RTI, STD & AIDS, Safe Drinking Water, Hospital Waste Management etc.
Rural development: Poverty alleviation, Panchayati Raj, Livelihood Development, Women Empowerment, Drudgery Reduction For Indian Women, Housing Technologies And Financial Support
Schemes, Drought Prone Areas Program, Wasteland Development, Drinking Water, Watershed Development, Sanitation, Innovative Technologies, Natural Disaster Management, Land Records, Rural
Electrification, Rural Health, Education, Innovation In Agriculture Technologies, Agricultural Produce Marketing Etc.
Agriculture Development: Weather related information and advice, Agriculture policies, Success stories of developmental farmers, innovative technologies, New Farm implements, new
varieties, important agriculture related information or day to day events coverage, export etc.
Mandi News: Day to day prices of all mandis across the country, price analysis, success story of farmer regarding his coming to a specific mandi, mandi profile etc.
Population stabilization: Maternal Mortality, Infant Mortality, Child mortality, female illiteracy, Sex Ratio, FP services etc.
Polio Eradication: OPV and other immunizations
AIDS awareness campaign: We are into AIDS awareness campaigns.
Issues addressed:
a) Product launches (Re-launches)
b) Endeavor to enhance Market share
c) Awareness building for brands/Products.
d) Product usage demonstrations through
- Actual usage
- Product Sampling (subsidized)
e) Market Information gathering Research
VOW Advantage
We provide solutions for all your Marketing needs, be it:
v Wall painting
v Shop painting
v Glow sign boards
v Dealer boards
v Traffic pedestals
v Hoarding
v Cable Advertising
v Theatre Networking
v Mobile Digitally Printed vinyl
v Mounted Hoarding
Other below the line activities are :
v Folk performance based publicity.
v Door to Door campaigns.
v Roadshows
v Organizing Melas
v Event Management- Concept to implementation
v Mobile showrooms /Display vans
v Special brand floats
v Rural sellers- in Haats
v Distribution drives-Retailers
v Sales drives- house to house
v Training camps & workshops
v Outdoor static activities
v Melas- Sales & awareness campaigns
v Social development programs
v Surveys/Research
v Quantitative Research
v Qualitative Research
v Product demonstration camps
Mobile van based awareness campaigns.
Some of the services, which VOW is extending to its broad client base, are:
Out Door Media
Another subsidiary VOW is engaged in on ground publicity and promotion activities. This non-conventional medium is communicating effectively to the Unreachable that is rural masses. We are having a
fleet of LCVs equipped with Video projection and Audio system to perform big screen and small screen Video shows in remote villages along with other below the line activities like Folk performance
based publicity, Door to Door campaigns, Roadshows, Organizing Melas, Event Management, Mobile showrooms /Display vans, Rural sellers- in Haats, product or services promotional Games etc.
VIDEO ON WHEELS (VOW) is a service provided by JAIN Group of companies. We have more than two decades of experience in on-ground publicity and promotion.
VOW strength lies in the fact that it has got fresh ideas & innovative methods of working out strategies for common cause of Reaching the UNREACHED" Video on Wheels is a medium, which talks with
the people, not to the people.
In the present scenario of ever-reducing available time for Marketers to reach their target audience, a resurgence of all marketing forces is the vision, which leads VOW in its path.
At VOW, we make grass root communication happen through various media vehicles, innovated & adapted for, customized to the need of clients.
v Base line study or stakeholders analysis
v Audience & Media Research
v IEC Strategy Formulation
v IEC material Prototype development
v Pretest
v Content analysis
v Evaluation
v Monitoring
Electronic: Audio-Video Productions, conventional and digital format films, TVCs, radio sponsored programs & commercials, website development, satellite based distant learning
program and many more products.
Print: Posters, leaflets, brochures, flyers, danglers
Outdoor: video van operations, Hoardings, Banners, wall painting, cut outs, glow signboards, translite- flex- vinyle prints, innovative media and conventional media like folk
IPC: Event Management, Awareness Enhancement & Training Workshops, OTC, Training of trainers etc.
Final Production of IEC materials i.e.
Product Type: | Brochure |
Product Material: | Paper & Paperboard |