A brochure is a two-side flat that has either a single or tri-fold added to the finish. Scoring and folding are included in the prices. 11x17 is center fold only Login to Guest Store Product
Specifications Product Final Size Bleed Size Resolution Brochure 8.5 x 11 in 8.75 x 11.25 in 300 dpi Brochure 8.5 x 14 in 8.75 x 14.25 in 300 dpi Brochure 11 x 17 in center fold only 11.25 x 17.25
in 300 dpi Folds Letter Fold (6 Panels) Definition: The folds in paper with parallel folds all run in the same direction, parallel to each other. Parallel folds are commonly used for all kinds of
brochures (such as tri-fold), stationery inserted into business envelopes, and other materials. The specific direction of each of the parallel folds determines the type of folding pattern such as
accordian or gatefold. Examples: Accordian, Zig Zag, and Gatefold are types of paper folds that are all parallel folds. Z-Fold (6 Panels) Definition: In c folds there are 6 panels with two parallel
folds in a spiral fold configuration. This is a common type of fold for tri-fold brochures. To allow the panels to nest inside each other properly, the folded in end panel is usually 1/32" to 1/8"
narrower than the other panels. Also Known As: business letter, letter fold, tri-fold, brochure fold, spiral fold Middle Fold (4 Panels) Definition: a single fold in the center of the flat size
A brochure is a two-side flat that has either a single or tri-fold added to the finish.