1.Interactive content.
2.Greater value perception. More impressive than printed material.
3.Integrate video & sound. Link to websites, documents & email.
4.Easier to update than printed material - less wastage.
5.Stands out from the competition - more likely to be seen.
6.Cut down on printing costs.
You can also include other useful resources such as customer forms or product literature onto the CD-ROM to make it a far superior and comprehensive introduction to your company.
CD Presentation is an alternative to a traditional printed brochure promote the services of your company. Our interactive CD Presentation service can certainly set your company apart from the rest with rich and higher quality visual and textual information as well as video-based materials. A professionally produced CD presentation allows you to integrate video footage, music and narration, as well as other interactivity such as web and email links.
CD Presentation is an alternative to a traditional printed brochure promote the services of your company