self improvement cds that make a difference. using emotive visualization. SUCCESS CD for personal and professional. become confident with the skills you have, your motivation for
success will increase. PROSPERITY CD moves you past your limiting beliefs about money and prosperity. WEIGHT LOSS CD is perfect to use with any weight loss program.
this will guide your inner mind in creating a blueprint of the body you want. STRESS MANAGEMENT CD lets face it. we all live in a world of stress. this will help you improve
your stress management skills, learning and developing new, construtive ways of reacting to stress. SELF ESTEEM FOR TEENS CD let your child take control of their confidence and
success. RESTORE AND IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH CD define the areas of your body that need healing and give your subconscious mind specific instructions on what it needs to heal. RELEASE
NEGATIVITY CD say goodbye to the heaviness you feel, to quiet the little voices in your head, giving you an opportunity to feel focused and lighter. FORGIVENESS PYRAMID anger, old
anger, stuffed away. time to get a handle on this.
Finally. Self improvement cds that work. Stress management, weight loss, restore health, self esteme for teens