virgin hair extensions both machine and handtied manufactured with suchcraftsmanship to give you certain features youalways wanted in your wefts.
foremost the hair binding is so goodthat there is no shedding on combing or washing. yet the weft issupple and easy to weave.another wonderful
feature is that there isalmostzero loss of hair on cutting the extension with scissorsintoyour preferred size.
extensions in straight, natural curly and wavy hair are readily available insizes 10" --- 14" to 23" --- 26"
available in all natural shades and may be dyed on demand to all internationalcolors.
these wefts aremadeof pure remi Temple hair of India. all extensionsare carefully made so that the textureof the hair remain thesame.special
care is taken while sorting hair that the cuticlesare not harmed and remain on the same
longlastingluster is promised as hairfrom us is not over done inchemicalsbut instead are treated in
traditional Indianherbs andit gives long life and shine tothe hair.
wealso makeready to use clip in extensionswhere only anegligible chargestowards clip cost and labor is added.we accept custom ordersofindividual head weave. you may
order a 3 or 7or 5 or10 piece setfromus.
other products from us are bulk hair remi single and double drawn and menstoupees, and ladies wig and patches
remarksble wefted hair zero shedding and zero lice or material replaced
human hair weft
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