Pleasefeel free to contact us for further information and sample.
Thankyou for your kindly attention and looking forward to hear from you.
Wealso offer HOLOGRAPHIC CAP SEAL for lubricant. Our cap seal hasbeen supplying in Shell, Agip, etc.
Power: 2 - 3 KW
FuelCapacity: 0.145 - 0.250 liter / hours
Materials:mild steel
4.Jatropha Oil Cooking Stove
Weight: 155 KG
Powerinput : 0.75 KW
Capacity: 50 - 100 Kg seeds / hour
Aspecial machinery to filter crude jatropha oil become Jatropha oil.
3.Oil Filter Press
ShaftSpin : 30 - 40 rpm
Weight: 580 KG
Powerinput : 11 - 15 KW
Capacity: 160 - 300 Kg seeds / hour
Aspecial machinery to press Jatropha seeds become crude jatropha oil
2.Screw Oil Press
Weight: 60 KG
System: Batch (manual)
Capacity: 8.5 - 10 Kg seeds / hour
Aspecial tool to press jatropha seeds manually, and it will producecrude jatropha oil.
1.Manual Oil Press
Besidesthat, we make machineries as complementary tools for our Jatrophaproduct as below we mentioned, for instances:
Caloric value
Sediment content
Water content
TAN (Total Acid Number)
Wetake this opportunity to introduce our JatrophaOil.Our Crude Jatropha Oil has conformed international quality parametersas follows:
PuraGroup has been continuing research and development programs withoutignoring environmentsystem. One of the major global issues is renewable energy. PuraGroup is active in renewable energy services related to theproduction, promotion and usage of Jatrophaoil.We are producers of Jatrophaoilwhich is dedicated to supporting bio diesel manufacturers,and also soap and pharmaceutical manufacturer.
We are producers of Jatropha oil which is dedicated to supporting bio diesel manufacturers, soap and pharmaceutical manufacturer
Place of Origin: | Propinsi Jawa Tengah Indonesia |
Category: | Other |