Skin weft is made with hand-knotted human remy hair on very thin mono-mesh based (with poly-urethan coating).Skin weft hair is hair for the most convenient, simplest, And speedy way of extension.
Since tape is used tolook very natural and, furthermore, the weft cannot Be easily recognized.It is suitable for short period time event, such as party, and Can be easily detached and used again
later.Colors:1,1b,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,22,24,27,30,33,350,613,1b/33,1b/30,2/33,4/33,27/613, t1b/33, t1b/30Size:12,14 16 18,20,24,,26,28 and etc.Piano hair can be weaved with 2 colors.