Lots of choice on choosing the shade of your new hair!It is not very often that someone chooses the wrong shade hair extension.Just in case - we promise to exchange your extensions for a perfect
match.There are a few ways to choose your shade...In the shop - simply choose the nearest match on screen.Fancy something different? Instead of matching the extensions to your own hair... try
something different and match your own hair to the extensions. Choose a new shade that is different from your current hair - pop to your stylist with your new extension and ask for your hair to be
matched...it is an easy and fab way to revive your current look.Send a picture - Email a picture of your hair to the and we will tell you just what colour clip-in you need!Send a sample - Email us
and we will send you details on the correct way to take a hair sample to send to us
Natural Brown/Ash Blond 22#
clip hair extension
hair extensions
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