Thanks to D&P Perfumum products you can choose your perfume
after your wish and imagination at an very convinient price. For you we
standardized the packing making it cheaper because not the bottle is
important but what it is inside that bottle!
Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils and aroma compounds,
fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, objects, and living
spaces a pleasant smell. The essential oils that a perfume content, react
in the different ways on different skins. Your choice should correspond
to the person wich will wear the perfume. The perfumes essence will
emerge just after the combination with your skin. Its a known fact that
perfumes like worm parts of the body: wrists, ears backs, scruff and hair.
Pulverize the perfume from the distance of 20 cm, and never mass the
pulverized zone.
In cosmetology - as a device of seduction and pleasure.
In medicine- as desinfectant;
In religion thus, incence;
In nature flowers, fruits, wood;
through smoke. The perfume is present everywhere:
The word perfume used today derives from the Latin "perfumum", meaning
About Perfum
selling by franchising system begin the official distributor of D&P Perfumum
in Moldova, P&D perfumum Moldova offers to all the keepers and holders of the
commercial spaces the possibility to collaborate in franchising system applying a
structure of commissions and reductions. Also the company propose its support,
information and favorable conditions of partnership. The locations preferable by us
are the zones with intensive traffic (shops, markets, hypermarkets, etc.)
Classical selling selling in the own shops
To bring the D&P Perfumum brand to Moldova, a company named P&D Perfumum
Moldova is based. The headwork of this society is the commercialization of the products
by 2 ways, classical selling and selling by franchising system:
P&D Perfumum Moldova
company is the perfume producing with raw material brought from France, and the
packing process made in Ankara, Turkey. Nowadays, with more than 81 shops in Turkey,
and with different representatives in Azerbaijan, srael, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria,
Ukraine, Egipt and some other countries, being in a continue development, the company
has a real success. The groups main philosophy is to make qualitative and at the same time
healthy products so thats why all the perfumes are cirtified at the Ministry of Health.
In 1999 is established the company named D&P Perfumum. The main activity of the
In 1999 is established the company named D&P Perfumum.
D&P brands perfumes
In 1999 is established the company named D&P Perfumum. D&P brands perfumes |