In 2006, the chief research officer at state-run said Myanmar hoped to completely replace the country's oil imports of40,000 barrels a day with home-brewed, jatropha-derived biofuel. Othergovernment officials declared Myanmar would soon start exportingjatropha oil. Despite the military's efforts, the jatropha campaignapparently has largely flopped in its goal of making Myanmarself-sufficient in fuel.
jatropha oil. On 15 December 2005, Head of State, Senior GeneralThan Shwe, said the States and Divisions concerned are to put 50,000acres (200 km?) under the physic nut plants [Jatropha] each withinthree years totalling seven hundred thousand acres (2,800 km?) duringthe period. On the occasion of Myanmars Peasant Day 2006, Chairman ofthe State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwedescribed in his a message that For energy sector which is anessential role in transforming industrial agriculture system, theGovernment is encouraging for cultivation of physic nut plantsnationwide and the technical know how that can refine physic nuts tobio diesel has also identified. He would like to urge peasants tocultivate physic nut plants on a commercial scale with major aims foremergence of industrial agriculture system, for fulfilling ruralelectricity supply and energy needs, for supporting rural areasdevelopment and import substitute economy.
Jatropha oil is vegetable oil produced from the seeds of the Jatropha curcas, a plant that can grow in marginal lands and common
Packaging: | Glass Bottle |
Type: | Crude Sunflower Oil |
Model Number: | r40000098sg |
Brand Name: | lk876tm |
Place of Origin: | United Kingdom |
Category: | Other |