Palm Oiliers industry has becoming increasingly competitive due to the high demand.It is critical to obtain reliable details in order to make decision andanalyze problem.
Business Solution IT put together palm plantation operations bestpractices and realize them into ONE full integrated software system tobenefits palm plantation of any size.
PPS offers streamlined working methodology among all stakeholders andprocesses from Operation up to Management and Shareholders.
It's operations management is directed by a General Manager and governed by a Board of Directors also headed by a Chairman.
Currently,its plantations cover a total of approximately 38,000 Hectares of landand constitutes a workforce of over 9,000 employees making it thesecond highest employer after the state of
We wish to inform the entire public around the world that we the ownersof the large plantation of palm trees in Cameroon and company name Palm Oiliers
industry wish to sell our large plantation estateto competent buyers.
This plantation contains palm trees used for the production ofcrude and refined palm oil. The land scape of the estate at stake isoutstanding. Interested persons should do contact us for
more info...
Contact 00237 7751 38 75
Palm Oiliers industry has becoming increasingly competitive due to the high demand.