Shifa Sesame Oil is golden yellow colored curative oil which is acquired from sesame seeds. Sesame oil inherits inside Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, lecithin, iron, vitamin E, Sesamol and
Sesamin substances at a high level. Sesamol and Sesamin substances are natural antioxidants and strength immune system of the body. Natural lecithin inherited in sesame oil
enables both antioxidants and other substances added to oil to be absorbed easily and deeply by the skin. By moisturizing the skin, delays the aging.
Natural Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E inherited in Sesame oil protect cell membrane. Furthermore, it functions as infection inhibitor and supports the healing of wounds.
Omega-9 fatty acids at a percentage of 42 inside the mixture have a protective effect against harmful sunrays. Because of this feature, throughout history it has been known that its usage as
a natural sun cream.
Sesame Oil
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