The BULGARSKA ROSA factory was founded in 1948 on the basis ofdistilleries for processing essential-oil raw materials, which existedin the valley of Karlovo. In the beginning the factory is run as
anindependent production facility, but after the State EconomicOrganization named PHARMACHIM was established it took the BULGARSKAROSA factory over its control. Until the 60s, the production
process inthe factory is seasonal and involves production of essential oils rose, lavender and mint, as well as concretes- rose and lavender, andabsolutes rose and lavender. But the needs of
Bulgarian developingperfumery & cosmetics industry impose the production of syntheticaromatic substances. It started in 1967 by erection of the SYNTHESESplant in Karlovo. The following year, also
in Karlovo, a productionshop for soap compositions was created, as its products were intendedto aromatise soap, detergents and domestic chemistry agents.
Rose oil is obtained from the flowers of the oil-bearing rose (Rosa damascena) through water distilatio