In her book "Aromatherapy" Valerie Cooksley informs us that sometimes
essential oils can be 75-100 times more concentrated than the fresh herb. She alerts us to the fact that 1 drop of essential oil = 30 cups of herbal tea in terms of concentration. Know your
oils! More is not always better!
Peppermint is used in a wide variety of commercial foods and beverages. It
is used for flavoring in many alcoholic, and nonalcoholic drinks, confectionery, and prepared foods. It is also widely found in the cosmetic/pharmaceutical industries in things like
toothpaste, mouthwashes, cold remedies, and as aromatic components in lotions, creams, and colognes, just to name a few.
When any essential oil is causing burning or irritation on the skin, DO NOT dilute with water! This will only drive the oils into the skin, and make the situation worse. Find some mild
oil, even vegetable cooking oil will do, and dilute the oil on the skin by rubbing some of this over it.
Peppermint is not compatible with homeopathic treatments, so if you are using any of these, please check with your health practitioner for advice. Use with caution if dealing with high blood
pressure, and during pregnancy. Peppermint can also be irritating to the skin. The essential oil is very strong, so you should always test for sensitivity by placing a small amount on the
back of your wrist, and cover with a Band-Aid (plaster) and leave for several hours. If irritation and redness occur, rub some mild vegetable oil or seed oil into the spot to dilute it. For
further use, always dilute the peppermint you are using with another "carrier" oil in order to avoid irritation.
Dr. Dembar of the University of Cincinnati discovered in a research study that inhaling peppermint oil increased the mental accuracy of the students by up to 28%!
This oil may help anger. It is purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind. It may help with general debility, lethargy, mental fatigue, depression, nervous stress, and shock.
For centuries, Peppermint has been used to soothe digestive difficulties, freshen breath, and relieve colic, gas, headaches, heartburn, and indigestion. It has been helpful in reducing fevers, and
soothing itchy skin. Peppermint has been used for: Acne, dermatitis, ringworm, toothache, muscular pain, palpitations, asthma, bronchitis, bad breath, sinusitis, colic, cramps, gas, nausea,
indigestion, colds, flu, fevers, fainting, headache, mental fatigue, nervous stress, and dizziness.
According to Roberta Wilson, "in Roman mythology, when Pluto professed his
love for the nymph Mentha, his wife Persephone, afire with jealousy, crushed
Mentha into dust on the ground. Pluto, unable to change her back, transformed her into a peppermint plant and gave her a fresh fragrance so that she would smell sweet whenever she was stepped
Cholagogue- stimulates the flow of bile produced by the liver to break down fats
Cordial- a stimulant and tonic
Emmenagogue- encourages your periods/menstruation
Expectorant -makes you cough up phlegm
Febrifuge- combats/reduces fever
Hepatic -good for the liver
Nervine- strengthens and tones nerves and nervous system, reduces jumpiness
Stomachic- digestive aid and tonic, improving appetite
Sudorific- makes you sweat
Vasoconstrictor -makes small blood vessels contract/shrink
Vermifuge- expels intestinal worms
Analgesic- remedy or agent which deadens pain Anti-inflammatory- alleviates
Anti-microbial- resists or destroys pathogenic micro- organisms
Anti-migraine- relieves migraines
Anti-phlogistic- checks or counteracts inflammation
Anti-pruritic- relieves sensation of itching, or prevents its occurrence
Anti-spasmodic-prevents and eases spasms or convulsions
Anti-viral-inhibits the growth of a virus
Astringent-causes contraction of organic tissues, reduces
fluid loss and tightens skin and tissues
Carminative- settles the digestive system, relieves flatulence
Cephalic -clears the mind makes your brain work on fuzzy days
A perennial herb that grows up to 3 feet tall (1 m.). It has underground runners, and is easily propagated from these. The "black" peppermint has deep green serrated leaves, with dark purplish stems. The flowers are reddish-violet.
A perennial herb that grows up to 3 feet tall (1 m.). It has underground runners
Raw Material: | Flowers |
Ingredient (Leaves): | Peppermint |