Niaouli Organic Essential Oil
Category Essential Oils
(Cav.) S.T. Blake,
fam. Myrtaceae
Part Leaf
Naiouli oil, ECOCERT, Madagascar
l o v e A R O M A T H E R A P Y
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Niaouli is that it is stimulating and reviving, clears the head and may aid with
Niaouli has a long history of useful service as an antiseptic. A softer and sweeter scent than Tea Tree. It is used in variety of skin
disorders. A popular ingredient in toothpastes and mouth washes.
Many of the same applications as Tea Tree but with a gentle aroma and soothing action.
Caution: Never apply undiluted essential oil to the skin. Avoid during pregnancy. Use in small doses with children. May antidote
homeopathic remedies.
Niaouli 1oz(+7.65) 4oz(+22.48) 1lb(+77.36) 1kg(+162.00)
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