Our product carries the TradeMark M.S.P. Elephant Brand where the elephant is carrying the sandal wood log. The research division is engaged in extracting natural perfumes and all kinds of packing contaniners in hygenic Aluminum bottles.
Our customers include most of the Indian state and Central Government Institution such as Handicrafts emporium , Khadi Bhavan etc to name a few.
( Our Brand is MSP ) for use in cosmetics. We are the first company in Indian market to issue the Guarantee Quality Confident Card and this card has been patented and registered with Government of India with Registration No.
My friends and customers we are pleased to introduce our company Mysore Sandal Products. We are the king of Sandal Wood oil perfumes and natural oil perfumes. We are the only institution issuing Guarantee Quality Confident Card for every bottle of sandal wood oil I.P. ( for medicinal ) use and sandal wood oil perfume
My friends and customers we are pleased to introduce our company Mysore Sandal Products.