Since the Company's inception in 1893, Ungerer & Company continues to be a major manufacturer and processor of Folded & Specialty Oils. Today with manufacturing plants in Mexico, Indonesia,
Bethlehem PA, Chester England, China and Australia. Ungerer & Company offers unprecedented expertise in the Folded & Specialty Oils business. If you are interested in an essential oil sample, use
the worldwide locations map (see right hand column) to contact an Ungerer representative in your area. Below is a partial list of the products we offer in this category.Bay Oil Terpeneless Geranium
Oil Terpeneless Grapefruit Oil 5 To 10 Fold Lemon Oil 5 To 20 Fold Lime Oil Distilled 5 To 10 Fold Lime Oil Expressed Terpeneless Orange Oil 5 To 30 Fold Peppermint Oil Redistilled Peppermint Oil
Terpeneless Spearmint Redistilled Tangerine Oil 5 To 10 Fold
Specialty Oils