Name of the plant: Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Part of the plant used Leaf
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), a rosemary Labiatae , is a perennial herbaceous plants, Rosemary originated in the Mediterranean and eventually spread to the United States and Europe now
Its more extensive planting in China.
Rosemary essential oil ,extracted from Rosemary leaves in the steam distillation method,is colorless ,light yellow green ,clear and flow liquid. Rosemary oil is long history of
the spice, it is one of traditional spices in Europe and the United States, widely used in perfumes, bath, cosmetics, to the water, soap and air refreshing agents. At the same time, with
strong effect of insecticide, is also good natural preservatives.
Model No.RO-100
Chemical NameRosemary Essential Oil
CAS NO.8000-25-7
DescriptionLight yellow and clear liquid
Aroma:With Rosemary oil unique sweet aroma
Specific gravity: 0.894-0.912
Refractive index: 1.464-1.476
Optical rotation: -5
Rosemary essential oil has a wide variety of therapeutic effects for aromatherapists.
Raw Material: | Leaves |
Ingredient (Leaves): | Rosemary |