The finest Oud oil would, of course, be much more expensive.
Please realize that this oil is from cultivated trees, and is not considered a high quality agarwood oil. It is however, a very nice oil at a very affordable price. It is pure and unadulterated,
which is more than can be said for much of the agarwood oil or oud that is for sale on the open market.
The Oud CO2 extract that we carry is a very viscous, dark brown oil. It is non-sticky and can be applied directly to the skin (in minute amounts) or can be thinned in jojoba oil or other carrier
oil. Agarwood oil may also be mixed into your own essential oil blends. For mixing purposes you will need to gently warm the Oud in a water bath and add it drop by drop to your mixture. Then heat
the blend and swish well. With this method our Oud CO2 extract will mix into your essential oil formulas or into carrier oils.
About Agarwood, Oud
Agarwood oil, also known as Oud, Aloeswood, Eagleswood Ud, Kiara, etc is an extremely rare and precious oil