Recognised world wide in the fragrance and perfume industry for its distinctive floral scent. The oil is steam distilled by The Paperbark Co. from Lavendula x intermedia grown by 'Namastey' at
Collie, Western Australia. Although not a 'true' Australian essential oil, it combines well with many of the Australian oils. Used with antimicrobial tea tree oil, its anaesthetic properties make
it ideal for minor burns. Lavender is also recognised for its antibacterial, antifungal, antihistamine and antiviral properties. Like Rosalina, Lavender contains linalool, the most likely active
component to produce calming and relaxing effects. An excellent 'burner' oil. The oil is available in 15ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists. GCMS analysis is
available. The oil is also used in The Paperbark Co. Aromatherapy face and body mist range, where it combines beautifully with the steam distilled sandalwood hydrosol.
Recognised world wide in the fragrance and perfume industry for its distinctive floral scent.
lavender oil
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