Antifungal/Antiviral/Antibacterial/Antifatigue/AntiFUNK * Cool your fires afterA long day or anytime you want to deoderize and revitalize tired feet. May alsoBe used as a uplifting room spray or linen freshener. Use Foot Fix any timeYou need a pick-me-up. There are so many ways to use Foot Fix Spritzer.Try them all! Contains purified water, pure grade essential oil of Tea Tree(Melaleucaalternifolia, Lemongrass Cymbopogon citrates) and Yakima NaturalKosher Peppermint(Menthapiperita) with polysorbate 20 and VitaminE(tocopherol)Packaged in an 8oz cobalt blue bottle with a pump spray atomizerCap and cover. Very attractive, cohesive theme, clever marketing. This productHas a solid history of private clients, Great eBay test market sales andDirect catalog sales. TheraPjones has been sold in two Dallas holistic boutiquesWith much success. I am ready to take the company and the brand to the next level.I would like to have my products placed for sale in a larger market. ThisIs an upscale drugstore item. All products are hand made and hand packaged accordingTo naturalistic ways in our Dallas studio. Other products and essentialOils are available. Please inquire.
Antifungal/Antiviral/Antibacterial/Antifatigue/AntiFUNK * Cool your fires after
A long day or anyti
Raw Material: | Leaves |
Feature: | Skin Revitalizer |
Ingredient (Leaves): | Tea tree |
Model No: | SPFF008 |