The Best Anti-Bacterial DefenceThe name Eucalyptus originates from the Greek words eu, which means well, and kaluptos, which means cover. This "well-covered" definition describes the tight
enclosure of the stamens. The Australian Aborigines call the Eucalyptus kino and use it to treat wounds. The Eucalyptus is indeed endowed with strong anti-bacteria properties. Coupled with its
pleasant and clear fragrance, it is naturally the best remedy to counteract bacteria and viruses.Main Properties:A Potent Antiseptic. The most popular essential oil for combating the common cold,
influenza, bronchitis, mucositis and viral infections. Health Benefits:Aids in respiratory tract functions and ease of breathing. Alleviates symptoms of asthma, nasal sensitivity, bronchitis, flu,
etc. Prevents influenza, improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.
The Best Anti-Bacterial Defence