We have in stock, the following freshly distilled 100% natural oilsGeranium oil natural - 100 kilosIndian tea tree oil natural - 40 kilosCypress oil natural - 10 kilosBay leaf oil natural - 8
kilosChamomile oil natural - 2 kilosDouble distilled eucalyptus oil natural - 150 kilosLemongrass oil natural - 300 kilosCitronella oil java - 200 kilosFrench basil oil natural - 2 kilosClove bud
oil natural - 30 kilosClove leaf oil natural - 50 kilosGingergrass oil natural - 5 kilosSweet almond oil natural - 10 kilosAvacado oil (solvent extracted) - 5 kilosJuniper berry oil - 5
kilosRosemary oil natural - 30 kilosWe can distill about 5 kilos of lantana oil natural & 20 kilos of wintergreen oil natural upon order.Other essential oils also available.Please inform if you
have any requirement.
We have in stock, the following freshly distilled 100% natural oils
Geranium oil natural - 100 ki
oil paintings from pictures
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