Medical Action & Uses:
Carminative - expectorant Stomach nourshing
Plant used for distillation:
Ziziphora tenuior
Habitat & Cultivation:
Different areas of Irans ; east , west and south
Active Constituents:
Pulegone - Limonen - pinene - Myrcen
Product Essence Content:
25 mg / 100 cc
Essence Quantity Analyses Method:
Extraction by organic solvent
Microbial Tests:
1-Total count of Aerophi-Mesophil Bacteria
2- Pseudomonas Aerogenes
3- Lance field`s group -D Streptococci
4- Clostridium (Sulfit Reducer Group)
5- Coliform
6- Mould & Yeast
Additive & Preservative:
Manufacturing Process:
Distillation - Microfiltration - Pasteurization - Packaging
Size & Volume:
Bottle Containing 450 cc
6 Bottles in a shrink package
Storage Condition:
Keep in cool place and away from direct light
Ziziphora Water >> Pure >> Natural